Apr 7, 2009

Give 3.1

Yes, once again a way too long of a break between posts. Since my last post I've gotten a few fury upgrades, lacking only a few items for best in slot everwhere, except for weapons. Last week I killed kelthuzard on both 10 and 25 man on the same day, neither dropped a 2hand weapon, annoying to say the least.

I heard arena points are getting resetted after the patch, so I guess I need to play a bit more seriously and get some rating going. A big fat 2hander would really help in that respect, well maybe this week one will drop...

3.1 is coming, and for someone who really likes arena, that will probably be a blast for warriors. Huge improvements incomming! Armor penetration in battle stance, fury with less penalty, more controlled bursts, increased mobility, very very nice indeed. I think I actually will go mace spec, sunder armor, mace spec, battle stance and the upcomming shattering throw. I am fairly certain you can take someones armor really really low. 3v3 with DK/rogue/hunter+healer should work nicely. You start out with attacking 2 targets, then a quick swap to the sundered one for some bladestorm nukage, if I can find the players that is.